The cost of car insurance can take a large part of your driving budget, but does not have to be this way.
There are 15 advice to help you reduce the cost of insurance on your vehicle new:
1. Shopping:
Association of British Insurers (ABI) believes that you can save as much as one-third of your annual premium, simply by shopping around.
2. Limit the number of people allowed to drive the car.
3. excess demand
Most insurance policies cover the excess charge (ie the amount you have to pay for any repairs). If you are willing to pay the increase can get more cuts
4. Do not use your car for work
Insurance policies that cover only "social fun, local and" usually cheaper.
5. Approval of a cap on the number of miles
This can earn you a discount simply because the cars that are on the road are often less likely to be involved in an accident. AA Insurance believes that the acceptance of the annual cap of 12,000 miles to earn 5 to 10 per cent discount. 5,000-mile cap can earn more. It is particularly useful for families with more than one car.
6. Avoid brokers
Purchase through intermediaries can increase the cost of insurance by up to 30 per cent.
7. buy online
Many auto insurance providers offer a discount of 5 per cent for transactions over the Internet.
8. consider reducing Ahadjmalsearat of least value and the engine is smaller teams where insurance is less.
9. Keep your car parked in the garage
You can save your car in a garage or on a drive instead of on the road take between 5 and 10 per cent of your premium.
10. Ask for a discount
Some insurance companies only offer you a discount because they want custom.
11. Find ways to protect your
Some policies allow you to deliver the demands within certain circumstances you have to pay a small premium up front, but it can save you a fortune in the long run.
12. installation in your car black box
This is where the insurer install a device that monitors how you are driving a car. You can also agree on a curfew at certain times in the day. It works especially well for young drivers.
13. improve your driving skills
Pass Plus driving test, or similar qualification, and can lower your premium cost.
14. Do not assume the cheapest cover third party
Third-party insurance is the legal minimum, which covers damage to the property of others and the cost of any compensation for the injuries. However, this is not always cheaper than a full comprehensive coverage, which covers your own car as well,
15. Do not pay by direct debit
To pay your insurance in monthly installments - and not in a lump sum annually - makes it seem easier. But it is likely to cost you between 10 and 25 per cent increase.