How to Remove the Gum Attached to your Car without Damaging the coating?

You may get out of the car and you'll find that someone has stuck a large piece of chewing gum on your car's body, making your car look unworthy.

If you neglect this piece of gum you will collect a large amount of dirt around it, and it is likely over time and exposure to the heat of the sun and humidity to damage your car paint over time if you thought to remove them incorrectly later, and to avoid this by following one of those simple methods .

1. Traditional Method:

It is important that you prepare the gum before you remove it, and warn you to try to remove it by scraping. It is possible that your car will be damaged and scratched as a result.

So first you have to remove the easy parts of the gum, and you have to move your car to the shade; so that the heat of the sun does not melt the gum spread, you can not control it, and start sticking to other points in your car.

Then bring a little warm water mixed with cleaning soap, then bring a piece of soft cloth, moisten it with warm soapy water, start rubbing the gum and try to remove it by pressing it in a quiet way, and start questioning with you, and you will be able to remove it easily.

If the gum did not respond to that process and was hugely attached, you would have to adopt the following method.

2. Using insecticide:

You can use the pesticide spray from the house, focus the spray on the piece of gum, do not spread it on the rest of the body of the car, and then bring a piece of cloth and spray insecticide on them, and start rubbing gum, this process is supposed to help remove Gum, insecticides are able to dissolve the fat from which the gum is made.

3. Use of compressed air:

If you have a package of compressed air, or you have an air compressor that is used to fill the tire with air, you can use it to remove the gum, it has the ability to dry the gum completely with normal air, which loses its ability to stick to the objects.

Important tips for Traveling by Car with Minimal Amount of fuel, a specialist in the automotive world, has published a number of tips for motorists to drive with as little fuel as possible.

Caradvice was based on the practical experience of the Americans, Wayne Gerdiz and Bob Wenger, who were able to enter the Guinness Book of World Records.

Bob and Wayne were able to travel for 16 days, passing 48 US states with a total of 13,250.5 km, consuming only 385 liters of diesel fuel. At a total cost of US $ 397.64 (equivalent to LE 6,950).

The two men used the Volkswagen Golf TDI, which enabled them to consume 2.9 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers.

The five tips can be identified by:

1. Maximum
The driver of the vehicle must not exceed the prescribed limits on the roads.

2. Use of brake pads
When using brakes frequently and in non-binding times, it would consume more fuel.

3- Traffic signs
Failure to press brakes strongly in traffic lights reduces fuel consumption.

4- The distance between two cars
Leaving a distance of 7 to 10 seconds between your car and the vehicle in front of it contributes to balancing the traffic and reducing fuel exhaustion.

5. Use of air conditioning
When driving at less than 65 km / h, the air conditioner must be closed and the glass opened