Showing posts with label Insurance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Insurance. Show all posts

Important tips for Securing Pregnant Women When Driving

The Technical Quality Control Authority has confirmed that women driving during pregnancy is not a problem in normal circumstances, yet care must be taken to protect the foetus while driving.

A newspaper quoted experts and specialists as saying that driving a pregnant woman is one of the daily activities that is not recommended to change during pregnancy, but some tips should be followed for added comfort and safety.

Ford, the leading U.S. automaker, has offered a range of tips to help pregnant women drive safely.

  • Seat belt mode-belt-seat

First, remove the large garments for greater comfort in the seat, then put on a seat belt, and make sure that the lower part is at the thighs and lower abdomen, not above it.

It is also advisable to keep the belt as unbendable as possible under the abdominal curve, while avoiding placing the upper part of the belt behind the back or under the arm, which can cause serious injuries in the event of an accident.

  • Adjusting the car seatProcedure-adjustments -appropriate-in-the-car

It is recommended to adjust the back of the seat while driving so that the pregnant woman is comfortable while driving, and if she has back pain, it is best to put a small circular pillow or towel folded behind your lower back for more comfort while driving.

Sudden feeling of hunger or nauseaPreparation - sudden feeling - hunger - or nausea
During the morning, you have plenty of chances of wanting to eat certain foods or feeling nauseous without warning, so make sure you take plenty of water and your favorite snacks during your trip and keep an extra bag in your bag or glove box to use when you're nauseous.

Pay attention and be careful not to get distracted while driving, and park in a safe place when you suddenly feel hungry or nauseous.

  • Take a break or avoid drivingtaking-rest-sufficient-or-avoid-driving
Pregnant women feel higher levels of stress than usual, so be sure to plan your movements in advance. If possible, avoid driving long distances and stop frequent breaks to stimulate circulation in your feet, ankles and feet quickly swell when sitting for a long time.

Avoid driving as much as possible, the middle rear seat is the safest place for a pregnant woman (as long as it has a shoulder and waist strap).

If you choose to sit in the front seat, push the back of the seat back as far as possible to protect the abdomen if the airbag is open in accidents.

6 Easy tips to Get the Cheapest and Most Suitable Insurance for your Car

You do not have to be an insurance expert to get a competitive offer for annual insurance on your car, so just take these easy and clear tips ...

Annual car insurance is a significant part of the expenses the owner incurs each year on his car, which usually ranges from premiums (if new), fuel, maintenance, registration fees, parking (if needed), etc. .

Some say that the cost of the car is comparable to the cost of the house, so any savings that can be obtained in any part of the expenses of your car will return you with great relief by saving some money can be invested in other things.

Therefore, I strive to get the cheapest insurance possible, but also beware, cheaper does not mean the most appropriate, as for the most expensive is not necessarily the most appropriate. So you have to choose the most appropriate insurance very carefully, and in turn, we studied the insurance market to come up with six easy and clear tips to help you get the cheapest and most appropriate insurance for your car if you follow. Here are these tips:

1- Search More ... Save More:

Intensive and correct search for the right insurance offer for your vehicle is the first and most important step towards obtaining the best insurance. There is no longer any argument these days not to conduct an intensive search in the presence of websites that save a lot of trouble to traditional search methods as well as give you more details and time to study the best offer. We also recommend that when you get a suitable offer try to contact another company that offers a similar offer and negotiate that you got an offer for a certain value, can you give me a better offer?

2- Don't buy what you don't need:

This is a very important point and the previous step is the best way to go. Each insurance that has several points to cover may not need the bulk of it. For example, there is a silver and gold insurance, and the latter includes services that the former does not offer, such as saving your car in the event of being stuck in an off-road, accident insurance coverage in neighboring countries, and compensation for the loss of some valuable personal property. For example, if you never get off-road in your car, you don't need to travel to neighboring countries at all with your car and don't usually transport any valuable property in your car. So why pay for a higher amount of gold insurance that offers you services you will never need ?!

3. Avoid some additional services:

When you buy insurance for your car, most companies offer additional services such as providing a replacement vehicle until your insured vehicle is repaired after an accident, or paying compensation to a driver and passengers affected by the accident. The above is of great benefit, but although we advise paying higher insurance to cover the injury of the driver and passengers, this is not the case with a replacement vehicle.

4. Higher value ... More expensive insurance:

One of the words that chords insure to attract customers to pay more; is the total car value. They offer a higher valuation of your vehicle in the event of an accident resulting in the cancellation of the vehicle altogether (i.e., it is no longer fully operational or repaired), in exchange for additional fees. What helps insurers persuade customers is greed.You can be happy, for example, if you get $ 23,000 in total value for your car instead of $ 20,000, if your car is canceled and for as little as $ 40. That is, this relatively small amount will return you $ 3,000 later ... What a deal and what a fool! The cancellation of the car is caused only by a very serious incident that may not come out alive to take the extra amount, or from natural disasters such as floods or accidents such as fire, all of which are very rare. Remember that greed is good for your car. Your car may not cost as much as $ 20,000.

5 - bear the amount of tolerance:

If you are the cause of an accident, you will have to pay what is known as a “liability amount” as part of the repair cost. This amount is usually based on the value of your original vehicle. However, many insurance companies are bidding to raise the price of the original insurance in exchange for a reduction in the amount of the liability. As a hypothetical example, the original insurance on a car will be increased from $ 500 to $ 600 in return for a reduction of the tolerance from $ 150 to $ 100. That is, after only two accidents, you will be compensated for the additional amount of insurance, and with the third accident you will return the profit ... right? This is true, but only if you are a light-hearted driver!

6- Are you a light-hearted driver?

If you are, you really need a bank to pay for your car insurance. From the preceding paragraph you can get a cheaper insurance if you increase the amount of tolerance, and this is certainly the best option if you are a driver cautious enough. As a light-hearted driver causes several accidents within a year, two years or more, his record will become black at companies that will increase the annual insurance amount, in addition to some companies offer a special discount for each driver with a clean record. More caution behind the steering wheel and attention means more safety and safety as well.

How can the air conditioner fuel consumption during the summer?

As temperatures rise during the summer, the need for a constant air conditioner is increasing, but this may be of concern to the owners regarding its impact on fuel consumption.

Effect of car air conditioner on fuel consumption
A number of German experts at the German Motor Club have explained the impact of the use of air conditioners on the fuel consumption rate, as well as the impact of the faulty use of the fuel conditioner.

Fuel consumption ranges between 2.5: 4 liters per 100 kilometers at the beginning of the air conditioner cooling after operation, while fuel consumption after cooling the car to between 1: 2 liters per 100 kilometers within the city.

If you drive outside the city and its crowds, its fuel consumption ranges from 0.2: 0.7 liters per 100 kilometers.

Tips for fuel consumption
German experts have identified a number of tips to reduce fuel consumption when operating the air conditioner, including good ventilation of the car before walking through the opening of windows and doors for a few minutes before the launch.

Experts also advised that the air circulation fan should be operated before operating the air conditioner for a short period, stressing that it is preferable to open the windows during the walk and not operate the air conditioner in the event of a short distance less than 5 kilometers.

German auto club experts warned of the danger of operating the air conditioner at the lowest degree, as the negative impact is not limited to fuel consumption only but extends to affect the health also may cause the incidence of cold or muscle tension and blood circulation problems.

Protect the car from the sun

Protect the car from the sun

The car's cover is often neglected and protected from the hot sun, which affects it negatively by damaging the paint and cracking it. There are a lot of negatives that not only affect the car's exterior structure, but also spoil the internal brushes and expose it to cracking and rupture. Sun, apply a number of steps that we will mention to you during this article. 

Protect the interior of the car from the sun
To protect your vehicle from the sun follow these:

  • The car in the shade is the easiest form of protection for the car by avoiding exposing the car to direct sunlight, protecting the internal mattresses and not exposing it to cracking and dehydration caused by high heat, low, and can open the windows slightly at the car row if the place is safe for lowering the temperature and for air pressure Within.
  • The sunscreen, which is sold cheaply and is put in the car from the inside on the dashboard to protect it, may be a way not known by many but it saves a lot of money and keeps the dashboard in excellent condition, and it is best to keep it clean, especially from dust as it scratches surfaces.
  • If the glass protector is not available, or if the windows are not shaded, it is recommended to put fabric protectors on the seats and be ready at the places where the car accessories are sold. They keep them clean and protect them from the sun.
  • If the car seats are leather, not covered, they should be wiped with a special moisturizer for leather furniture available in furniture markets or auto parts markets. It protects the skin tissue from sun cracking and keeps it cool.

Protect the vehicle's exterior from the sun

To protect the vehicle's exterior from the sun follow the following:

  • It is recommended to dry the car thoroughly with a piece of cloth, or wash the car at night to avoid, and also advised to paint a layer of wax on it in the shops concerned with this matter; because it protects the car from the sun, and reduce the scratches that are exposed to it The car is dusty.
  • Checking the air pressure in the tires; because the hot sunlight warms the pavement lined by the car, and lead to tire inflation, which may lead to tire explosion, and follow the instructions of the manufacturer of tires to see the appropriate air pressure of the car tires
  • In order to protect your car's engine, you must ensure that your cooling system is checked by routine inspection, and make sure to add water on a daily basis, especially on hot days when water evaporates under the hood.
  • High and direct heat from the sun accelerates the damage of the car battery so the full outer protective cover of the car must be placed, which is the most important thing that helps to protect the car completely from the sun.

During the summer .. 5 tips to protect your engine .. Follow them to keep it

Car engines suffer from many problems due to high temperatures, especially during the summer day, which in turn causes some trouble for the owner when used, so that the damage caused by high temperatures on the motor vehicles may be completely disrupted.

In this album we review 5 tips to keep the engine under the warm temperatures we are experiencing in the summer, as per the guidelines and guidelines of the car maintenance professionals.

  • Periodic Review

In the summer, as temperatures rise, pressure in all fluids, liquids and gases increases, resulting in damage to pipes, joints, hoses and radiators, as well as air conditioning, cooling and oil components.

To avoid damage caused by this pressure, you must periodically check and follow any fluids or oils under the car in the waiting areas, and also around the engine parts.

The examination is either by the naked eye or by the nose by tracking the presence of any strange odor from inside the car compartment or engine room.

  • Avoid low fuel level to a quarter


You may know that a low fuel level in the tank will remove impurities directly into the bottom of the tank, fuel cycle and injections, especially sprayers, causing a real risk to the engine.

It is known that the low level of fuel for the quarter of the tank extends the life of the fuel pump itself, because the cooling of this pump is through its presence in liquid gasoline, and if the availability of less than the specified lead to damage the pump.

  • The engine breathes

The car needs two important factors to keep going and moving. The first is the fuel. The second is the "air" needed for fuel combustion, so the engine must reach the engine well enough and very well.

This is a major task for you to be careful about the cleanliness of the air filter, the radiator, and make sure there are no impurities that prevent motor breathing in the image required for outstanding performance.

The cooling system works efficiently

  • Cooling system

The cooling system has an important role in maintaining the temperature of the engine and preventing it from rising and thus disabling, and it must be ensured that it works efficiently, because this system includes radiators, mechanical thermostat, water pump, hoses and joints.

Also, do not forget the role of coolant for the cooling cycle, which is different to normal water or even distillate, because it features components that increase the degree of heat absorption of the engine and keep it at high temperatures, and increase the boiling point of liquid from ordinary water, which prevents rapid evaporation at Hyperthermia.

Do not forget the materials of resistance and prevention of rust and it is necessary to use materials «lubricant» because it is important to pump water to maintain and prolong life, in addition to the need for a clear color of this liquid, which helps to detect any leaking in the course with the naked eye.

  • Control oil level and efficiency

Car Engine Oil

Engine oil is the most important factor that keeps its longevity. The engine oil prevents its metal parts from touching each other and corrosion. It also prevents high temperature while working, cleaning it and washing it from the inside.

Oil is the cause of low engine noise during work, so it should be changed periodically to maintain it.