How quickly be compensated after a car accident?

Passenger, cyclist or pedestrian, when suffered a car accident, you are entitled to compensation. Shocked, hurt, or worse, you have yet quickly perform several steps.

To start the compensation process, victims or persons accompanying them must complete an accident report. Sometimes this can be complicated. If this is the case, it is better to appeal to the police than to write anything! They will draw up a report. This document may be transmitted to insurance companies. The statement of claim must be made in a time of 5 days. In addition, the insurer may exclude the disaster management although this is relatively rare. In his statement, the insured or the person accompanying him must state the name and number of the insurance contract, and the date, place and circumstances of the accident. The names and addresses of witnesses may also be mentioned.

Once the declaration made, the insurer appoints an expert in case of property damage. In case of personal injury, a first visit is to the emergency by a doctor. Then, the insurer may appoint an expert to determine provisionally the injury and the date of consolidation: the date on which it is estimated that injury can not worsen. If the conclusions are not suitable for the victim against a second opinion may be sought at its expense. There is no legal deadline for expertise, but it is usually held within 15 days after the accident.

The insurer then has the obligation to send a letter to the victim to inform him of his rights. This must have free access to the police report, the assistance of a lawyer or doctor of his choice. The victim must generally respond to a questionnaire to be returned within six weeks of receipt. These include informing the insurer of suffered damage and personal and professional consequences caused by the accident. The insurer then has between 3 and 8 months to propose compensation. After accepting the offer, the victim receives the settlement no later than forty-five days after acceptance. Beyond this period, the insurer will have to pay interest.

The estimate of damage is particularly difficult. The victim should not accept the offer of the insurer eyes closed. Within fifteen days following its agreement, it can even retract by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt and challenge the compensation offered to him. The Association for the Management of Information Risk in Insurance publishes online a file listing the compensation paid to victims of road accidents. It allows each victim compare his situation to other similar cases and evaluate the compensation offer and wisely.

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