Seven tips car Division Chamber of Commerce for car owners to lock your cars from falling into the hands of thieves are:
1. To provide a car alarm and close the «aldrksion» to manage to the far right or left.
2. Ensure that provide the magical key highway that prevents operation of the vehicle and no one else knows where it is.
3. Do not leave the car on the street as possible and put them in the garage, especially if you live in one of the outlying areas like Fifth Avenue or properties or new cities.
4. Do not leave the car llsais to «Mill Creek» or leave the key to the garage staff.
5. Do not put any car within specific documents, such as purchase or registration or any other important papers.
6. Secure the vehicle against theft or accidents or damage.
7. Keep a copy of your driver's license and punting in anticipation of any emergency and keep copies of bye car key in a safe place away from children