What does oxygen sensor fuel consumption?

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We hear often with a name Alchukman sensitive or insensitive oxygen, but we do not know precisely what is the function of this piece. And also we hear, that this sensor is responsible for the provision of fuel consumption in all cars. Is this true, and what is the function of this sensitive?

First you have to realize that a sensitive oxygen present in car exhaust, a job measuring the proportion of oxygen in the gas that comes from inside the engine Alachtaalat electronic device.

And this sensor is connected to a computer the car to send a percentage of the amount of oxygen that pass Badm him, to be detected on the status of fuel combustion.

Thanks to this sensitive and signals, it can be adjusted to the rate of air and gasoline or diesel fuel for the combustion of the best in the pistons, which are located in the vehicle's engine.

It has issued many problems when the hang of the system, especially in terms of fuel consumption, where it becomes very large. Besides this problem, any defect in the sensor may lead to weakness in the car you feel the determination that she has lost a large number of Ohsntha. If you are driving your vehicle and began to hear the sounds of bombings in the exhaust, you should note that the oxygen sensor may he showed some flaws.

Some say that sensitive Alashkman disruption could lead to a defect in a lot of things in the electric car.

Do not compromise with any problem in the car, especially if the issue is sensitive for oxygen, because you will suffer much of the car's performance and fuel consumption significantly, from here you always have to reveal all the spare vehicle to keep them.

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