How often should I change the Car Filter?

International car companies continue to work hard to develop their cars and make them better at the level of mechanical and technical performance, and the most spacious and comfortable passengers in the interior.

Among the innovations in the automotive world in recent years, "air filter" cabin, which works to purify the air inside the cabin and absorb impurities, dust and odors unpleasant.

In addition to the above, the "Road & Track" air filter improves air conditioning performance by absorbing air moisture and allowing the air conditioner to cool directly.

What is important is the importance of this part of the car, and like any piece of the car, the cabin air filter needs maintenance and periodic change, but how many times need to change during the year? What is the optimal time to change?

Some car companies recommend in the operation and maintenance instructions manual to change the filter after every 19 to 24 thousand kilometers, but the owners of vehicles most vulnerable to allergies and residents of the city Huaiha loaded with dust and exhaust will be harmful to change in earlier times.

If it is not specified when the cabin air filter should be changed in the vehicle guide, the start of the spring is the best time of year to maintain and change the filter if necessary. This time of year is the largest activity of dust and plankton, Of chest and ectopic diseases.

One of the leading companies in the air filter industry recommends changing the cabin air filter inside a specialized car service center. Changing it at home without knowing how to operate can result in damage or dislocation.

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