With the development of technology in cars, the reliance on the usual keys in the operation and extinguishing of the engine few in modern cars, and became the operation of cars by pressing the button to run or through the footprint, and I wondered a lot what happens if we press the button to run the car is going, We explain it in the following lines.
If the Start button is pressed while the car is moving at a speed of 5 to 10 km / h, the vehicle will not stop working.
Pressing the Start button and the car running at 70 or 100 or 150 km / h, for example, will not affect nor will the engine stop operating.
However, if an emergency occurred and the engine had to be turned off during the course of the operation, such as a brake stop, a suspended gas pedal, etc., the driver could no longer control the vehicle.
In this case, press the power button for one and a half seconds or two seconds, after which the engine will stop working.